MV MA 2.17 Evening Connect at KJ's Caffe

MV MA 2.17 Evening Connect at KJ's Caffe

New Members are welcome and can join and guests will be treated to one free event.

We are in person with masks and socially distanced at KJ's Caffe. There is a MAX of 15 that can register to attend. Also there is a menu selection you can pick from once there that are $20 inclusive. Please come early, any time after 530 pm, to grab your food and get settled to start at 6 pm!

Speaker: Kimberly Melillo
Title of Talk: Why Weight
Description and Takeaways: Why wait to live your happiest and fulfilling life till you lose weight? You will learn how to be healthy and happy regardless of the number on the scale. Discover how Intuitive Eating and Self-Compassion are the keys to taking your power back over food and loving your body again. 1. They will uncover hidden forms of dieting. 2. They will discover why they are really weighing themselves. 3. They will discover how to bring self-compassion and Intuitive Eating into their eating experience and body love journey.


Meeting Details

Meeting Start Date/Time 02-17-2021 6:00 pm
Meeting End Date/Time 02-17-2021 8:00 pm
Capacity 15
Registered 11
Remaining Seats Available 4
Location KJ's Caffe

We are no longer accepting registration for this meeting